Once considered to be the problem of only über rich countries, obesity rates are rising in horrific proportions all across the world. According to a study conducted by WHO, in the year 2008, 1.5 billion people over the age of 20 were found to be obese. The rate steadily increases with age, at least up to 50 to 60 years. Obesity is nothing more than excessive accumulation of fat in different parts of the body. If left unattended, it can cause serious health problems like type-2 diabetes, stroke, heart failure, hypertension, arthrosclerosis, gout, sleep apnea, cancer, osteoarthritis, and so on.
The four well-known remedies for weight reduction are dietary restrictions, exercise, medications and physical therapies. Unfortunately, all of them are associated with deleterious side effects. For instance, too much of physical exercise can injure the skeletal muscles, tendons and ligaments. Additionally, it can also cause fatigue, insomnia, depression and amenorrhea. Similarly, if you drastically cut down your food intake, you're likely to suffer from nutritional disorders as osteoporosis, scurvy, anemia, pellagra, goiter, etc. Medications and physical therapies also produce damaging side effects.
Is there a safe and effective way to lose weight? Well, the answer is white kidney bean extract. It is a unique nutritional supplement that removes all the extra fat from the body by blocking carbohydrate metabolism. To digest the carbohydrates, your body releases an enzyme called alpha-amylase. White kidney bean extract inhibits the release of alpha-amylase. As the result, approximately one-third of the carbohydrates are driven out of your body without digestion. For sustenance, your body needs a specific amount of energy. If carbohydrates in your food fails to provide sufficient amount of energy, the stored fat is broken down to replenish the shortage. Thus, by blocking carbohydrate metabolism, the extract activates lipolysis and thereby helps you to lose weight safely and quickly.
The effectiveness of the extract has been demonstrated in a study published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences. 60 obese volunteers took part in the study. They were divide into two groups. While group-I was given white kidney bean extract one-hour before a carbohydrate-rich meal, group-II was given placebo. At the end of 30-days study period, group-I showed greater decrease in body weight as compared to the volunteers of group-II. Except for mild diarrhea and flatulence, no detrimental side effects were noticed. With habituation, diarrhea and flatulence also disappeared.
Apart from being a potent weight-loss supplement, white kidney bean extract is also a powerful antioxidant specifically due to the presence of p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid. The oxidation reactions usually produce free radicals, which are capable of starting chain reactions. These chain reactions can cause either cell death or damage. Phenolic compounds p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid inhibit the production of free radicals, and in this manner, they also prevent the production of cancer cells. The extract is also found to be rich is copper and molybdenum. While the former enhances the elasticity of joints and ligaments, the latter neutralizes the effect of various toxins. White kidney bean extract is effective against debilitating diseases like diabetes and sclerosis. Due to the presence of saponins, it also promotes antibacterial and antifungal activities in the body.
Absonutrix White Kidney Bean Extract is a unique nutritional supplement that helps you to lose weight easily and quickly. Without causing any detrimental side effects, Absonutrix White Kidney Bean Extract will make sure that all your extra flab disappears never to return again. Try out White Kidney Bean Extract from Absonutrix today, and make yourself immensely attractive.
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