There are a lot of people out there wanting to do the HCG diet who like to exercise and wonder why they can't continue if they do the HCG Program. This is easy to understand; they have a healthy routine and feel bad when they don't exercise. However, the HCG program protocol is very specific and you need to follow the protocol to maximize your weight loss. The protocol allows for only up to 20 minutes walking. The HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that is found in both men and women and increases in women when they get pregnant. These hormone properties allow for an increase in metabolism by affecting your hypothalamus which regulates your thyroid which in turn controls the rate of metabolism. It also pulls adipose (fat) from your stored fat areas and turns it into calories for you. It changes about 2,000 to 2,500 calories of fat a day. There is no physical need to exercise during the diet due to HCG hormone converting the fat to energy and burning it.
Energy Requirements for Exercise on HCG
Your body requires energy for normal muscle movement and normal daily activities. Any strenuous exercise requires much more energy. Your body breaks down first sugar, then carbohydrates, then proteins and last fat to convert to energy. Your body is great at breaking down sugar to use as energy and good at storing fat for energy reserve. The reason the body breaks down sugar and carbohydrates first it because it requires little effort. If you do any strenuous exercise while on the 500 calorie portion of the HCG program, you will burn through the little bit of sugar and carbohydrates that you get on the diet and will still continue to need more energy. So your next source of energy is your proteins. Once of the body depletes all other energy sources from your blood stream, it will pull protein from your muscle to create more energy. So instead of building muscle mass, you decrease it by doing strenuous exercise while on 500 calorie HCG program.
HCG Diet burns Fat
Why does it not burn the fat instead? Your body is great at storing fat, but it requires a good amount of energy to convert the fat into useable calories. This takes time and effort on your body. Whenever you are straining your body with strenuous exercise it needs a lot of calories and it needs it now. While on the HCG diet your body will convert fat into calories for your body's daily functions. Therefore strenuous exercise requires more energy than your body can convert from fat in such a short period of time. Upon completion of the HCG program your body will retain its muscle and will have decreased large amounts of stored fat. Now is time to exercise and reshape your body with great results.
The success of the diet depends on your will power and eagerness to lose the fat. One of the most effective HCG diet tips is to weigh yourself daily and note your weight loss to stay positive. A positive attitude while on the HCG program changes your body as well as mind.
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