Perhaps you've been considering whether or not you might be a candidate for weight loss surgery. Of course, there's no substitute for the advice of a medical professional, and we can't recommend that highly enough. This article, however, is intended to provide you with some basic information so you can decide for yourself whether you want to consult one.
Various Types
There are essentially three types of weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery. The first of these is called a gastric bypass, the second is lap-band surgery, and there's also a procedure known as a gastric sleeve.
Gastric Bypass
The basic idea of gastric bypass surgery is that the surgeon staples the upper part of your stomach, separating it from the lower, larger part. The small intestine is then connected to the reduced stomach pouch, creating a situation in which the amount of food you can eat is reduced. Of course, this surgery can help you lose weight, but in order to be effective, it still requires a commitment on your part to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That's true of all weight loss surgeries. They all help a lot, but there are no magic pills. You will still need to make some other changes in your life, in addition to the surgery itself, in order to achieve the best results and reduce the associated risks as much as possible.
Lap-Band Surgery
Lap-band surgery is similar to gastric bypass, with similar risks and similar rewards. In this surgery, instead of staples, the surgeon uses a silicone band, which creates an even smaller pouch in your stomach than a gastric bypass. There are advantages and disadvantages associated with both of these types of surgeries, and your surgical consultation will serve to help you and your primary care physician decide which surgery is right for you. Of course, it may be that neither of these is the best option for your particular case. If that turns out to be true, don't worry. There is yet another option, to which we shall now turn our attention.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the more recently developed options in the world of bariatric surgery. It uses a keyhole approach. A laparoscopic tool is utilized during this procedure, which enables the surgeon to see inside your abdomen while the surgery is being performed. This also means that smaller incisions are made, which many candidates appreciate. The size of the stomach is reduced by generally as much as eight-five percent during this procedure, and the result is that the stomach takes on the shape of a tube or "sleeve," from which this surgery derives its common name.
Which One is Right for You
Again, a surgeon who specializes in this type of surgery is best equipped to decide which is the best route for you to go. He will evaluate your situation as well as any potentially complicating medical conditions that might exist. Together, you'll be bale to decide which is the best route for you to take.
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