If you type "lose weight" or a similar query in a search engine, you'll come up with thousands of results. It's normal for people to have the desire to be appreciated, sought after and, at least somewhat popular. This could very well explain why we are so mesmerized with superstars and why we will blindly follow whatever fad or trend they might support in our own quest to lose weight. Sometimes, at the cost of our own health.
There are many myths and fads that claim to give you a "cure-all" for losing weight. If you intelligently analyze them, they will make you wonder why you ever considered giving them a shot. For weight loss to be everlasting, your best bet is to place your energies on:
*Proper diet
*Proper exercise
*Positive thinking
Most of us are familiar with the adage, "You are what you eat" (Anonymous), and perhaps not so familiar with, "Let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your food," by Hippocrates. Given the near epidemic proportions of obesity and the increased health risks, it should be apparent that modern-day habits of eating reflect the negative stream of these two quotations.
On the more positive and upbeat side, if you want to lose weight, read the quotations again. It should dawn on you that the proper diet should consist of fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits and lean meats and fish (if you aren't a vegan). Steering clear of processed foods is a wise choice. You don't have to be a master chef to prepare simple and healthy foods.
If you are eating healthy food in the proper proportions, you will lose weight. To lose more fat though, you'll have to do some form of exercise.
Indeed, there was a time that I believed stunning and exaggerated muscles meant fitness and health. It may illustrate strength to a degree, but take a good look at some of the greatest martial artists, or other infamous athletes in sports. They have well-defined muscles, agility and stamina - without the massive bulk.
This should lead one to conclude that exercise ought to include basic aerobic (such as walking, jogging, and dancing) and anaerobic (such as resistance training). Although most would agree and more than likely know that both are needed for sustained fitness, we also can struggle with keeping ourselves motivated. This is where you have to teach yourself the power of positive thinking.
The late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote in his book, "The Power of Positive Thinking", that, "You are what you are now based on your thoughts five years ago and will be in five years what you constantly think of yourself now."
While one's thoughts are very important, without consciously applying steps to improve your self now, you will undoubtedly have the same thoughts and behaviors five years from now.
As with any journey, there can be "smooth sailing," bumps, jars and revision of the journey. There may be times when you want to give up or lose focus. You will have to empower your thinking to be positive so as to overcome the doubts and fears as you go about accomplishing your goals. Develop mantras to pull you through the tough times.
In conclusion, forget the fads, the advertising and promotions. For a program to be successful, especially weight loss, it needs encompass diet, exercise and positive thinking.
If you would like information and recipes geared toward weight loss and fitness visit my blog at http://www.weightlossandme.com/
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