Weight Loss Success and Your Mind Set

The timing of the writing of this article is 4th January 2012. The beginning of the year is the peak time of year people strive to lose weight, but why? Many of us want to lose weight because we have put on a few extra pounds over Christmas, others it may be a typical 'new year new start' mind set which fizzles out by February. There are more continuous reasons such as health benefits, to keep a partner interested, to look better or just because exercise is fun (Crazy I know).

No one likes to have their body feeling flabby or loose, as humans (whether this be media influenced or genetic) we tend to be attracted to more toned bodies. The massive stumbling block for many on their weight loss journey is getting motivated. Are the reasons previously mentioned enough for weigh loss success? For the vast majority the answer will be NO.

The feelings you have when jeans don't fit anymore or the look of your favourite t-shirt is just not doing it anymore can be enough to start action, which is why many of us at this time of year join a gym, or go running. But are these feeling strong enough to manifest such a change in mind that your weight loss is finally a success? That is where will start.

The problem begins with our thought patterns. Thought patterns, can manifest in you, such strong negativity that your call to action loses its momentum quickly. Thoughts such as being obsessed with your weight, looking at or eating food thinking about how it will affect your weight, constant comparisons with other people or even just totally lacking any belief that weight loss, sustained, is even possible.

Mind-set is the key. I'll say that again, mind-set is the key. You have to think like a winner, believe that if you set a goal you will achieve it no matter what as THAT is what will get you to where you want to be. Do not fear food, food is your key to successful weight loss, learning how to use food to your advantage is what will help you develop a healthy (pardon the pun) relationship with food again.

Set short term goals, our human survival instinct (mostly) is to seek pleasure not pain, so set a goal which will give you satisfaction (pleasure). Those natural highs brought on by achieving your goals will become a good habit, a habit you have probably not had yet. Through your goals you will build a strong desire which will burn inside driving you on to succeed.

Commitment is important. If you have times when you know you will falter, have an accountability partner, someone who will put you back on track and helping you avoid your negative thought patters.
Finally, learn to recognise what in your diet is going well. Learn self-worth, praise what you're doing right and put right what you're not quite there with yet. These mental strategies are the key to weight loss success. You must have these positive thought patterns in place to ensure your call to weight loss action is a success.

Gary Higham is a specialist scientist specialising in health and nutrition, to follow his weight loss journey and to gain access to some of the secrets of weight loss visit


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