Eating Healthy Foods - Food With Low Calories

The simple truth is if you take in more calories than you use you are going to put on weight. If you keep doing this you will keep putting on weight and your health will suffer. To avoid this you can do one of two things: eat less food or eat food with fewer calories. Most people could eat less food and be healthier anyway. The problem with that is this can make you feel hungry, which is self-defeating. On the other hand, food with low calories generally does not leave you feeling hungry.

Our body needs calories
Our body does need a certain number of calories just to keep working. For men this is somewhere between 2000 and 2400 a day and for women from 1600 to 2000, depending on their ages. Most people have well above this but it is still important not go overboard by trying to cut your calorie intake right down. Some diets can be dangerous unless they are done under supervision. We are not talking about doing that. We are talking about making sure you include more food with low calories into your diet.

If you are physically very active, you need more calories than the average person, because you will burn them off. That's why you will often see people who are physically active continually snacking or grazing. They are looking to replace that energy. Because they are so active they not only need the extra energy but they avoid becoming overweight because they burn off any excess calories

Be aware of foods high in calories
You do not need to become a calories counter but you do need to be aware of the foods that are high in calories. These foods are generally the unhealthy foods. They are the foods that most overweight people have been eating - and that is often why they have a weight problem. Foods with high sugar content have a lot of calories - popular breakfast cereals, sodas, and soft drinks. There are other obvious ones such as chocolate, candy bars, cakes and cookies. They are enticing because we all like sugar, but they do have a lot of calories.

Health professionals tell us we should be eating smaller quantities several times a day rather than having large meals several hours apart. The food they recommend is generally low-fat and low-sugar, which means low-calorie. This sustains our energy, keeps our blood sugar more even and helps control our weight.

We do need to think about what we are putting into our bodies. Doctors, and now Governments, are warning us of the dangers of becoming overweight. They are telling us obesity is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, health problems in the Western world. We all need to take care we to not fall into the modern trap of eating too much high calorie food. If we want to be healthy, which means controlling our weight, we should know the difference between food with low calories and food with high calories.

Eating healthy foods and eating food with low calories are important ways to control weight and to stay healthy. You will find more ideas on how to lose weight and follow a healthy lifestyle when you visit William Burnell enjoys the benefits of following a healthy lifestyle and likes to help others to do the same.

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