Losing Weight on the HCG Diet Program Without Doctor Supervision Is Foolish

Let's look at some of the statistics on weight loss in the US. Over 65% of Americans are either overweight or obese. For those individuals who do something about it and lose a lot of weight, over 90% of the time that weight comes back within 5 years. At that point, most Americans find themselves in the same position they were in to begin with, plus some extra pounds to boot!

The HCG Diet is now the most popular diet plan in America. Over a million individuals search on Google every month for the words "HCG Diet", which is more than the other top 4 weight loss plans combined. If you are suspect of that statistic, check it out yourself on the Google Keywords Tool.

When going on the HCG Diet, many patients think it is satisfactory to simply obtain the HCG from an online source and use it themselves with some attention to the allowed foods on the diet. Here are 5 reasons why that is completely foolish.

1. Losing weight may bring a ton of medical benefits besides just looking better.

The most satisfying aspect of weight loss is dropping pounds, clothing sizes, and hearing the compliments come rolling in. "You look amazing!" "I almost didn't recognize you!" Hearing compliments like that all day long is enough to boost anyone's self esteem, confidence, and zest for life. However, how satisfying would it also be to hear your doctor say "Your blood pressure is down 30%, I think we can stop your hypertension medication." Or just as satisfying "Your blood sugars have stabilized in the low normal range, let's cut back on your sugar medication." How cool would that be? You had a controllable issue, you went on a diet to look better, and now you're much healthier as a result with reduced chances of long term complications from your high sugars and blood pressure! If you are simply taking the HCG at home without the supervision of a doctor, how would you know what your improvements are? This is the main reason you should undergo the diet under the supervision of a doctor. It does not need to be your primary care doctor, but someone with a license and diet supervision experience should be involved to follow these variables.

2. Avoiding malnutrition.

Cutting down severely on your calories needs to be performed carefully. A normal human diet is 1500-2500 calories daily. The typically HCG diet is 500 daily calories, although the more modern HCG diet increases the daily allowed calorie amount to 800-1200 calories daily. If you are on the HCG diet under the guidance of a weight loss doctor, he or she can follow your nutritional status and avoid any cardiac or side effect issues from malnutrition. It may take nutritional supplementation to avoid some problems, but how would you know which supplements or vitamins to focus on and take? You wouldn't unless a supervising doctor is involved.

3. Learning the techniques for long term success.

It's no secret that a lot of diets work, then fail long term. How can this be avoided? One of the techniques is to be under the supervision of an experienced weight loss doctor. He or she can give you the tips and techniques for ensuring long term success. I am willing to bet that the long term chances of success increase over 1000% if a weight loss doctor is involved (I cannot back that up with statistical data). It just makes sense.

4. Monitoring your vitals, electrolytes, and labwork.

This is extremely important, especially if the plan is to lose more than five to ten percent of your body weight. The HCG diet plan allows for fairly rapid weight loss. For instance if you weight 200 pounds you may lose 35 pounds on Round 1 of the diet, which is about 15% of body mass. People's bodies react differently to that amount of weight being lost with their physiology, so monitoring it with labwork can help avoid potential clinical problems.

5. Getting the "good stuff"

Ever wonder if the HCG you buy online is strictly regulated and first rate in quality? Well, you should. It's a bit of the wild wild west online, and there are potential issues with the quality of the product being purchased. Also, most of the HCG being sold online is the homeopathic version, which actually has just a miniscule amount of actual HCG in it. There is speculation that it doesn't work either which gives credence to getting your HCG through a weight loss doctor. He or she should have a reliable source and be able to have a track record of success with the supplier.

For all these reasons, make sure to undergo the HCG diet under the supervision of an experienced weight loss doctor.

Phoenix Integrative Medicine represents the premier weight loss center in Phoenix and Scottsdale, AZ.

The practice offers top notch Scottsdale and HCG diet Phoenix programs tailored to the individual needs of patients. Programs at the center include HCG diet in Phoenix Bioidentical hormones, aesthetic, anti-aging, wellness, and cancer prevention all provided by First Rate Arizona Naturopathic Doctors.

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