The Health Risks of Excess Body Fat

Today, it can be said that most people's motivation for losing weight is more related to improving their physical appearance than any other singular purpose. Not that this is not important but that is more important to understand the true benefits of achieving healthy weight loss.

There is actually a very strong link between weight and health and many studies have severally indicated that extra body weight leads to an earlier death. This is because even small amount of excess body weight can increase an individual's risk of a lot of life-threatening diseases.

On a general note, disease risk increases as your weight gain tips over into the unhealthy weight range and into the overweight range. The disease however significantly increases when an individual's weight gain crosses over into the obese range. And this is in fact one major cause of early mortality in the United States.

For instance, a recent large study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, discovered that weight gain of just about 10 or 20 extra pounds increases the risk of death among adults. This point would be better brought home with an understanding of the fact that about 54% of all deaths of men and women result from heart disease - a health condition which is generally worsened by being either overweight or obese.

Some of the health implications associated with unhealthy body weight includes:
High blood pressure and hypertensionHeart disease and strokeAdult onset DiabetesGastrointestinal diseasesDisruptive sleep apneaFatty liverGallbladder diseaseIncreased overall premature mortalitySeveral forms of cancers such as uterine, breast and colon cancerOsteoarthritis of the knees and other weight-bearing joints

The good news however is that by losing some of the extra weight, you will just improve your appearance and look your best on the outside, but you will also be able to enter into a very powerful prevention mode than can prolong your life by greatly reducing the risk of future disease.

Reducing excess body weight actually has a very significant part to play in helping us fight diseases and maintaining good health. Interestingly, there is solid evidence showing that even a relatively small amount of weight loss can help to improve your health significantly.

For instance, doctors have commonly advise their overweight or obese patients with high blood pressure to lose weight because experience has shown that by just reducing their weight alone, most patients have gotten their blood pressure under control without the need for further blood pressure medication.

Some of the benefits of healthy weight loss include the treatment and prevention of type II diabetes, heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, unhealthy blood cholesterol levels, and other chronic diseases.

Also, losing excess body weight reduces disorders, reduces the incidence and duration of hospitalization, reduces by almost 8 times the risk of dying from either heart disease or cancers, and can also reduce the incidence of diabetes by as much as 58%.

Health is truly wealth and therefore it is important to always try to achieve and sustain a goal weight that is in the healthy weight range.

Healthy weight loss is no doubt a fascinating subject! To get topnotch, impartial, and well-researched weight loss tips and information, visit today!

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