How to Burn Fat and Build Muscle - Follow These Simple Steps

The first action you need to take before you jump into losing fat and building muscle is to have a clear, specific goal that you want to reach e.g. lose 2 lbs of fat a week until I've lost 21 lbs. If you are not one hundred percent certain what your goal is then you won't achieve it. If you are certain of what you want to achieve and committed then by following a few of these proven techniques will help you achieve your goal.

The key to burning fat and building muscle comes down to a very simple formula. If you eat the right foods and perform the correct exercises you will lose weight and put on muscle. You may want to get bigger or just tone your body so you are lean and healthy, either way your diet will play a big part. You must try to avoid any high fat, sugar, and salt foods. If you eat a lot of these foods then don't try to cut them out completely at first. The key to make any big changes in your life is to make small gradual changes. Try to replace these unhealthy foods with whole, healthy foods. Things like lean meats, fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc. By implementing these changes in your diet not only will you remove a vast number of calories from your daily intake, you will also increase your metabolism so increase the amount you burn as well.

Removing that hard to shift fat will be achieved by a thriving metabolism created through eating healthy and a good exercise regime. An urban myth that I feel I should dispel here is that females that lift weights will put on lots of unattractive muscle. This simply is not true. Nearly every top female actor, singer, etc that you look at and want to emulate (their look) will do some form of weight training. The key is simply the amount of weight you lift. If you can perform a particular exercise for 15-20 repetitions then you will be toning your muscle. You will not be building bigger muscles. If however you want to build muscle then the key is simply to increase the weights so you can only do 6-8 repetitions in one go. You should do 3-4 sets for each exercise and only have 30 seconds to a minutes rest between each set. You should do this strength training three to four times a week trying to work all the major muscle groups once in that week.

The other part of building muscle and burning fat is taking part in some type aerobic activity. This can be down to the individual whether you do long duration at a slower pace e.g. a marathon or a shorter duration at a higher pace e.g. 5000 meters. Both have good arguments for which is better for fat loss but as long as you perform something even if it's just a long walk then that is better than nothing at all. What we do know is the best aerobic exercise for fat loss is intensity training. This is when the intensity of the exercise changes throughout the activity. Team sports are very good for this e.g. hockey, football, etc. These types of exercise will get the heart pumping and help with increasing your metabolism.

If you follow these guidelines you will be on your way to achieving your goals. Good luck and remember always set your self something to aim for.

If you are wanting to lose a little bit of weight or a lot then our articles will give you some tips to help you on your way. You can find us here

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