Why You Store Body Fat?

In case you are currently having a problem with your body weight, you might wonder how you store the unwanted body fat to start with. You want to find out the reason that got you where you are now and what could you do to improve your overall weight.

Below you will find the reasons why you store body weight and an explanation about how this process works.

Energy Imbalance Issue

First your need to understand that adding fat is a relationship between how much energy you generate (by consuming food), and how much energy you consume (by exercise, daily activities).

In case you consume a lot of calories, and you burn fewer calories throughout the day, the process of adding fat begins by storing the excess calories which were not burned.

Because your body now seems to have more calories than it needs to function, it has to do something about the "left over" calories, so the natural thing is to deposit it for later use.

In this manner, when you are faced with a period of hunger, the deposits made will back your body up by consuming the stored calories.

In case you were wondering, if you store more than 3500 calories over a week's time, you will gain one pound of fat.

The Food that you eat

Something that you have to meditate a little about, when finding out why you gain excess fat, is the food you eat on a daily basis.

Food that is rich in protein has the least chance of being converted into body fat deposits since it need a lot of energy (aka calories) just to break them down.

Because your organism uses a lot of energy to break proteins down, it has less energy to store as fat cells.

If your diet is rich in carbohydrates, this might not cause large body fat deposits. In case your diet is a low carbohydrate one, and you usually have intense workouts during a week, these will be burned and not be stored.

Next are fats. Fats tend to be converted easier into fat cells since they need less energy to break down and to be stored in your fat store.

Be careful, I do not recommend you to have a diet that does not include fats at all; some dietary fats are required for appropriate health. However do not forget that in case you consume too many calories, then the dietary fats will be stored as body fat.

The key is to have a balance in calorie intake and burn, so you won't have troubles.

Above you have the main details about body fat - how and why you store it. In case you desire less fat storage, be sure to follow a low carb diet which is abundant in proteins, reasonable amounts of carbohydrates and just some few healthy fats from now and then.

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