Ways to Remove Tummy Fat

If you are looking for ways to reduce the size of your tummy, liposuction should be a strong contender. Liposuction, in a nutshell, is the removal of fat from beneath the skin. Advancement and growth in the Cosmetic Industry has allowed for surgeons and physicians being able to now offer extremely gentle and minimally invasive options for fat removal and body contouring. Gone are the days of traditional liposuction techniques which used the brute force of the surgeon to break down and remove fat.

Both men and women have certain areas of the body that are predisposed to carry more fat. These are generally the thighs and hips for women, and tummy and back for men. These areas can be resistant to even the most intensive diet and exercise regimen. It is important to note that liposuction is not a weight loss tool. It is for patients who have those bulges or bits of fat that are just unresponsive to diet and exercise. Liposuction is best performed on patients that are of a healthy, stable weight and who exercise regularly.

Tumescent Liposuction is the most common Liposuction treatment today. Volumes of very dilute solutions of local anesthetic are gently sprayed into subcutaneous fat layer to assist in breaking down the fat prior to its extraction. It is the only form of liposuction that eliminates both the need for general anesthesia, and surgical blood loss.

Liquid Liposuction, also known as Liposoft is a type of Tumescent Liposuction that is very gentle and uses a solution which helps break fat down prior to removal. It requires tiny incisions and only twilight sedation. Depending on the number of areas, the procedure can be performed in a few hours, and a few hours after that, you can go home and resume normal activities. Due to minimal anesthetic being used, surgeons do not get a warped view of the area of treatment, so results are more smooth and accurate. Liposoft is relatively painless to the patient and only requires a few days of recovery, with some even returning to work the next day. A compression garment will need to be worn which helps in reduced swelling. Bruising may occur, and varies from patient to patient.

Maximum results from the liposuction procedure on your tummy or any other area of your body will be evident after 6weeks to 3 months. All swelling will have subsided subsided and skin has retracted. The fat cells that have been removed are permanently gone however it is still recommended to maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

When looking at ways to reduce the size of your tummy, liposuction, when performed by an experienced surgeon, can provide some excellent benefits for your confidence and emotional wellbeing.

If you are looking for a non-invasive option for removing tummy fat, Coolsculpting by Zeltiq is providing great results for subtle changes. It is a painless procedure with no downtime that "freezes fat". The science behind it is that it lowers the temperature of fat cells to a level that they are destroyed and then removed by the bodies natural removal process.

Dr Joseph Ajaka, Cosmetic Surgeon

Liposuction Specialist

Cosmos Clinic

Original article

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