2 Crucial Mistakes That Screw Your Chances Of Losing Weight! Do Not Miss This At Any Cost

Did you know that almost 90% of the people who take steps to lose weight end up failing within the first few months? They all go on a weight loss spree and work hard. Despite of taking various efforts and committing themselves, they don't get the results they want.

They drop a few pounds but because they haven't achieved the results they expected, they give up. Soon they gain back the pounds and its back to square one. This is the case for 90% of the folks out there. 10% of this 90% take another year to bounce back and lose off the weight. The remaining 80% just stay where they are and keep doing the cycle over and over again.

If you don't want to be in that 80%, you need to stop making the common weight loss mistakes that they are making. Avoid these traps and you are sure to succeed. Here are the crucial mistakes that screw your chances of losing weight...

Consuming high calorie foods after workout...

One of the mistakes I've noticed a lot of dieters make is that they tend to eat high calorie foods immediately after their workout. And most of them don't realize it. They believe that they are eating these foods to increase their energy level. If you eat protein rich foods after a workout, it will certainly help you gain your energy level.

But high calorie foods aren't effective. They are actually counterproductive to what you've just done. If you want to lose weight and get that sexy hot body, I recommend that you stop committing this mistake ever again. Eat protein rich foods that provide you with loads of energy after each workout.

Skipping their breakfast...

I've seen a lot of people do this in their desperation to lose weight. Skipping your breakfast is counterproductive when it comes to losing weight. You'd be better off if you skip your dinner. At night, the body's metabolism is extremely slow. Therefore, the food you eat isn't burned successfully.

On the other hand, the food you eat in the morning is digested completely by your body because of your activity and sunlight. Sunlight affects your body in a lot of ways. Try living without sunlight for a few days and you will find yourself becoming extremely lazy. That's how we are wired.

So stop listening to the lame advice your friends or others give you about skipping your breakfast. You need loads of energy in the morning. Make sure that you either have a heavy breakfast or a heavy lunch. At night, eat very little or don't eat at all. You'd be better off if you just eat fruits at night.

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